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School for the Deaf in Iligan Foundation, Inc.

Donors Sponsors Volunteers


            The school needs volunteers.  The only requirements are a love of children and willingness to help.  The length of stay is up to the individuals.  We need assistance in many areas including arts and crafts instruction, science projects, use of computers, audiology, cooking and baking instruction, grant writing, brochure design, fund raising, business planning, budgeting, etc.  Most of all we need people willing to give out hugs and kisses to children who have not had much love shown to them in their lifetime.

            The Iligan area is a very safe place to be.  We have access to many places to swim, climb mountains, snorkeling, diving, mall shopping.  If you are a golfer, the dues at the country club are less than $150 per year.  It is warm all year with temperatures around 90°.  Shorts and a t-shirt would be formal wear.  We provide free housing and meals.  You can’t beat the fresh seafood and fruits available all year.  You will also learn how most of the people in the world live.  In addition to helping others you will also learn more about yourself.  Write or Email us if you would like to volunteer or want more information.



Donors and Sponsors


            Our cost for each student is presently about $900 per year and that covers all the educational and housing costs.  We do not accept and will not accept funds from the government.


            We want to continue to provide not only the current level that we are doing but increase the educational opportunities.  With some donated as well as purchased computer equipment we will begin a computer lab.  We believe this will not only help our students in their current education but believe use of computers will be a future job opportunity for the deaf.  Other needs that we have for assisting the deaf are


1.      There is no hearing loss screening at birth in any of the hospitals. Also most children are born in mid-wife clinics or at home. There is not even an audiologist for this city of over 300,000. The school purchased an audiometer, which is used for our students in testing hearing loss and any residual hearing. This is only useable for those above three years. We would like to purchase a device to test newborns and up and provide this service to parents, doctors and hospitals.


2.      We would like to provide early intervention training for parents and deaf or hearing loss infants. The earlier a child starts the quicker they will develop their communication skills. It would also help ease some of the anxiety in parents. In this country the culture is for the parents to hide a child with a disability because they believe it reflects badly on them.



3.      Although we personally are committed to helping each student go as far in the educational process as he/she is capable, we recognize that not every student will be a college graduate. We therefore need to develop courses in livelihood training and facilities for this training. Some possible fields of interest are computers, baking, farming and handicrafts.



4.      In addition to providing for the educational needs of our students, we see a need for providing for the medical needs of our students. Through the generosity of an opthalmologist all of our students receive free eye exams and in the case of six of them free eyeglasses that had been donated by a Canadian organization. Tooth decay is a serious problem in the Philippines with many of our students missing some of their permanent teeth. We need to search out doctors and dentists for free medical assistance or at least at reduced rates. We also need to provide for laboratory, immunization, x-rays and prescription costs.



5.      We need to develop a library for reading and reference work. In addition to books we should have computers, calculators, tape and CD players, and other audio/ visual equipment for study or use in the classrooms.



6.      We need to provide continuing education for our teachers. This would include reimbursement for courses and seminars to improve their skills. Also for attendance at regional, national and international conferences. In addition for visits to other schools for the deaf to observe their methods.



7.      We would like to provide recreational activities for our students. Some sports that would be appropriate for the deaf and enhance their self-confidence are track, swimming, football (soccer) and golf. We will need equipment and coaches. We are currently identifying students who have ability and desire to learn swimming. We hope to reach a level where we can compete in regional and national competitions for the handicapped. We need a sponsor to pay $30 per week for pool fees for  ten students and overtime for driver to take them to and from the pool.



8.      We would like to provide a guidance counselor who could provide advice and support to our students and the deaf community regarding educational, employment and personal issues. We would also like to provide legal assistance.  Where as there are many laws regarding access to employment and other areas of discrimination of the disabled they are often violated or ignored. In assisting one of our high school students to obtain an ATM account and card, we were told by one bank that it was bank policy not to open an account for a deaf person.


9.      We would like to develop an “Adopt A Student” program. While we provide for their educational and housing needs, many of our students lack clothing, shoes and personal articles. We would like individuals, churches and organizations to provide for these items and presents for their birthdays and at Christmas. 





            If you can help us in any area we would appreciate it.  Please write or email us if you can help.  Your prayers are always needed and much wanted for our school and especially for our students.


            Sponsorship for a student is $75 per month or $37.50 for a half sponsorship.  We will identify a student for you and send you periodic reports and pictures of your sponsored child.

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